
case study for Ad-Lider Embalagens Essay

Decent Essays

1. What information is needed to make judgments of whether or not to launch Climp Bay’s Easy Close trash bags?
Internal information: the budget of the company, the assumed revenue of this new product, the target marketing.
External and customer information: the economic situation, the potential volume of trash bag market, the awareness of the brand, customers’ preference, customers’ daily purchase behavior towards to trash bag, the possible acceptance of this new product, the competitors’ situation, the fierceness of the competition, the potential volume of trash bag market, the awareness of the brand.
2. Does Ad-Lider have a marketing orientation? Justify your reasoning.
I don’t think Ad-Lider have a marketing orientation. Because …show more content…

Purchase Intercept Interviews:
1) It collected some valuable and meaning quantitative data to analyze the customer purchase habit and the trash bag market competition
2) It can show the market share of certain brands and it also collected periodic purchase data to show the frequency purchase behavior so that we can know the repetition purchase of each brand.
3) It also collected data in separate gender, which is very helpful to the marketing plan. Because different gender has different purchase habit.
1) The time they picked to conduct the focus group is kind of inappropriate, because they during the research period, their main competitor launch a two-week sale and at the final week of the research, the Limp-o-Lixo brand was on sale. The data collecting during the purchase intercept interviews was not typical enough because selling records and purchase behaviors were more easily affected by the on-going sale.

4. What can be learned from the research findings with respect to marketing the Climp Fecha Facil?
1. In different areas, they have different criteria to determine whether it is the suitable trash bag. So in order to market CFF, it is important to discern the area’s preference.
2. Stick to and emphasize the esay close feature in the Rio and emphasize the color feature in Rio.

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