
Gourmet Pasta Case Analysis

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Sarto’s gourmet pasta process good information about the market and knows a great deal about the common attributes of our most prized and loyal customers. Sarto’s gourmet pasta will leverage this information to better understand who is served, their specific needs, and how sarto’s can better communicate with them. External audit External macro-environmental factors Economic factors: pasta sales are expected to grow by at least 10% for the next years. One of the reasons for this is the increase in number of hours people are working, which has resulted in more number of people eating out. Based on economic forecasts, the business believes that interest rates are coming down which will creat more disposable income, and therefore, more …show more content…

These focus group provided useful insight into the descision and dicision making process of customers. An additional source of market research is carried out by suggestion card system. Sarto’s claim that it will work hard to implement reasonable suggestions. Access to ongoing market research will be achieved via the publication from the restaurant association but according to adriana como, even though there was sufficent data available in the restaurant association monthly magazine but this infromation not being used. The magazine is just kept for the staff and its never consulted by Mario. Internal sales data The internal sales data showed that the business would need $45,000 in monthly revenue to break even. The sales forecast which have been prepared keep in mind a 65% gross margin, however, based on actual figure for 2009, this target has not been reached, and the forecasted sales have fallen. Supply chain management and ligistics Adriana como is currently incharge of sales and promotions of the restaurant. Based on the interview conducted with her one fo the biggest problems she is facing that the phone ordering system is constructed in the kitchen next to cook with most responsibility to compile and check every meal. This has been creating real logistcs

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