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Sir James George Frazer (1854–1941). The Golden Bough. 1922.

Subject Index

Hialto, how he became brave, 496
Hidatsa Indians, 111, 690
Highlands of Scotland, the, magic to catch fish in, 18; St. Bride’s Day in, 134; iron as a charm against fairies in, 226; saying about combing hair at night in, 234; knots untied at marriage in, 241; beating the cow’s hide in, 538; Beltane fires in, 617620; Hallowe’en fires in, 635; need-fire in, 641; story of the external soul in, 673
Hilaria, festival of joy, 350
Hindoo charm, 30; marriage, 34; trinity, 52; superstition, 114
Hindoo Koosh, sacred cedar of the, 95; expulsion of demons in the, 557, 575
Hindoos, 15, 101, 180, 343, 602, 669; of Southern India, 482
Hippasus, torn to pieces by Bacchanals, 292
Hippodamia and Pelops, 156
Hippolytus, 4, 5, 301, 477
Hippopotamus, ceremony after killing a, 523
Hogmanay, Highland custom on, 538; song in the Isle of Man, 634
Holiness, and pollution not differentiated by savages, 222; conceived as a dangerous virus, 474; as a dangerous physical substance which needs to be insulated, 594
Holland, “killing the Hare” in, 452; Easter fires in, 617; the mistletoe in, 662
Honduras, Indians of, 687
Honey-wine, continence at brewing, 219
Hooks used in magic, 27; to catch souls, 180, 185
Horns, blown to ban witches, 561; to expel demons, 568
Horse, prohibition to see a, 172; prohibition to ride, 174; last sheaf given to, 408, 460; corn-spirit as a, 459; “fatigue of the,” 460; “Cross of the,” 460; Virbius and the, 476; sacrificed to Mars, 478, 578; red, sacrificed as a purification of the land, 570
Horse-headed Demeter, 471
Horses, Hippolytus killed by, 5, 301; excluded from Arician grove, 5, 477; sacrificed to the sun, 79; driven through the need-fire, 639, 640
Horus, his eye injured by Typhon, 475; the younger, son of Isis and the dead Osiris, 364, 367
Hos, of North-eastern India, 556; of Togoland, 232, 239, 241, 555
Hother, the blind god, and Balder, 608
Hottentots, 45, 80, 221, 265
House, taboos observed after building a new, 117; ceremony on entering a new, 186; taboos on quitting the, 200
House-building, 30; continence observed at, 220
Housebreakers, charms employed by, 30
Howitt, A. W., 44, 234
Hudson Bay Territory, 605
Huichol Indians of Mexico, 23, 32
Huitzilopochtli, or Vitzilipuztli, a great Mexican god, 488
Human sacrifices. See under Sacrifices
Hungary, Whitsuntide Queen in, 131; continence at sowing in, 138; harvest cock in, 451; custom at threshing in, 458; women fertilised by being struck with certain sticks in, 581; Midsummer fires in, 627, 644
Hunters, employ homoeopathic magic to ensure a catch, 18; taboos observed by and for, 19, 20, 23; employ contagious magic of footprints, 45; tabooed, 216; chastity of, 217; propitiation of wild animals by, 518532; luck of, spoiled by menstruous women, 605606
Hurons, 144, 179, 527, 550
Husband, taboos observed in his absence, 2125; his name not to be pronounced, 248, 249; and wife, name given to two fire-sticks, 484
Huzuls of the Carpathians, 20, 234, 541, 638
Hyaenas, supposed power over men’s shadows, 190
Hymn to Demeter, Homeric, 393
Hymns to Demetrius Poliorcetes, 97; to Tammuz, 326
Hyrrockin, a giantess, 608
Ibadan, king of, 295
Ibans of Sarawak, 531
Ibn Batutah, 145
Ibos of the lower Niger, 685
Iddah, divinity claimed by king of, 99
Ignorrotes, the, 115
Ijebu tribe, 281
Ilocanes of Luzon, the, 113
Images, magical, 13, 14; dipped in water as a rain-charm, 77; of Osiris made of vegetable mould, 374377; vicarious use of, 492; of gods, suggested origin of, 501; demons conjured into, 563, 568; colossal, filled with human victims and burnt, 654
Imagination, death from, 204
Immortality, Egyptian hope of, centred in Osiris, 367, 376, 382; hope of, associated with the Eleusinian mysteries, 398
Impregnation of women by the sun, 603
Inca, fast of the future, 595
Incarnation, of gods in human form, 91; examples of temporary, 93; of divine spirit in Shilluk kings, 267, 268
Incas of Peru, 40, 104, 236, 553
Incense, inhaled to produce inspiration, 95; used in exorcism, 195; burnt at the rites of Adonis, 337; burnt in honour of the Queen of Heaven, 337; burnt as a protection against witches, 561
Incest, 141, 332
India, ascendency of sorcerers over gods in modern, 52; rain-charm in, 71; incarnate human gods in, 93, 100; ceremony of rebirth in, 197; story of the transference of human souls in, 184; images of Siva and Pârvatî married in, 319320; human sacrifices in, 433; use of animals as scapegoats in, 565; girls secluded at puberty in, 602; torture of suspected witches in, 681
——, ancient, ceremony performed by persons supposed to have been dead in, 15; magical nature of ritual in, 53; magical power of kings in, 89; maxim not to look at one’s reflection in water in, 192