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Sir James George Frazer (1854–1941). The Golden Bough. 1922.

Subject Index

Locks unlocked at childbirth, 238, 239; thought to prevent consummation of marriage, 240; unlocked to facilitate death, 243; mistletoe as a master-key to open all, 663
Locusts, chiefs held responsible for ravages of, 87; superstitious precautions against, 531
Logan, W., 276
Loki and Balder, 608
Lokoiya, the, of the Upper Nile, 85
Lolos of Western China, the, 183
Lombok, island of, 418
Longevity, charms to ensure, 35
“Longevity garments” in China, 36
Loom not to be touched by a man, 211
“Lord of the Heavenly Hosts” in Siam, 284
Lorraine, harvest customs in, 428, 449, 457
Love charms, 44
“Love Chase” among the Kirghiz, 156
Loyalty Islands, recall of a lost soul in the, 185
Lules or Tonocotes of the Gran Chaco, 550
Lusatia, “carrying out Death” in, 310313
Luxor, paintings at, 142
Lycurgus, king of the Thracian Edonians, 378, 379, 392
Lydia, religious prostitution in, 331; festival of Dionysus in, 390
Ma, goddess at Comana in Pontus, 331
Mabuaig, continence observed during turtle-season, 217; seclusion of girls at puberty in, 598
Macahity, a Hawaiian festival, 282, 283
M’Carthy, Sir Charles, eaten by the Ashantees to make them brave, 497
Macdonald, Rev. James, 18, 680
Macedonian calendar, 443
MacGregor, Sir William, 84
Macpherson, Major S. C., 437
Macusis of British Guiana, 181, 601
Madagascar, king of, as high priest, 9; foods tabooed in, 22; custom of women while men are at war in, 26; magical use of stones in, 33; modes of counteracting evil omens, 37; fear of being photographed in, 193; taboo on mentioning personal names in, 246; names of chiefs and kings tabooed, 258; crocodiles respected in, 519. See also Malagasy
Madanassana Bushmen, 474
Madi tribe of Central Africa, 534
Madonna and Isis, their resemblance, 383
Madura, inspired mediums in, 95
Magic, principles of, 11; sympathetic, 1048, 200, 202, 211, 219, 233, 237, 386, 403, 533; homoeopathic or imitative, 1137, 63, 221, 239, 240, 341, 444, 494499, 581, 642, 704; contagious, 11, 3745, 230, 233, 235; positive and negative, 19, 21, 29; public and private, 4561; and religion, 4860, 64, 90, 92, 162, 324; and science, 48, 49, 712; attraction of, 49; the Age of, 55, 56; universality of belief in, 55, 56; fallacy of, 59, 90; movement of thought from magic through religion to science, 711
Magician, public, 45, 60; and priest, 52
Magicians, claim to compel the gods, 52; professional, 61; as kings, 8391; develop into gods and kings, 92; the oldest professional class in the evolution of society, 105; Egyptian, 52, 261
Magnets thought to keep brothers at unity, 34
Magondi, a Mashona chief, 98
Magyar story of the external soul, 674
Maharajas as incarnations of Krishna, 101
Mahrattas, 100
Mai Darat, a Sakai tribe, 493
Maiden, the (Persephone), the descent of, 371; name given to the last corn cut in the Highlands of Scotland, 403, 409
Maidhdeanbuain, “the shorn maiden,” 407
Maidu Indians of California, 707, 708
Maize, goddess of, 28; magic to promote its growth, 28, and increase, 33; personified as an Old Woman who Never Dies, 419; goddess of the young, 588
Maize-mother, the, 412, 413
Makololo, the, of South Africa, 236
Makrizi, Arab historian, 64
Malabar, custom of Thalavettiparothiam in, 278; cows as scapegoats in, 570; seclusion of girls at puberty in, 602
Malagasy, 217, 519; faditras among the, 541
Malay charms and magic, 13, 19, 28, 80; taboos, 21
Malays, the, 88, 113, 179, 181, 183, 184, 188, 230, 248, 413, 417, 541, 676, 683
Maldive Islands, virgin sacrificed as bride to a jinnee of the sea in the, 146
Mallans of India, 565
Malta, Midsummer fires in, 631; Phoenician temples of, 330; fires on St. John’s Eve in, 631
Mamurius Veturius, 577, 580
Man, Isle of. See Isle of Man
Man-god, 10, 60, 92, 203, 265
Mandan Indians, 419, 562
Mandelings of Sumatra, the, 116, 239
Maneros, chant of Egyptian reapers, 365, 371, 372, 424
Mangaia, Pacific island, separation of religious and civil authority in, 177
Mangaians, the, 191
Mani of Chitombe or Jumba, 234
Manii at Aricia, many, 491
Manipur, Rajah of, and his human scapegoat, 543
Manius Egerius, 6, 492
Mannhardt, W., 118, 127, 129, 316, 399, 401, 402, 419, 459, 460, 465, 580, 642, 643, 654, 658
Man-slayers tabooed, 212216
Manu, the Laws of, 89
Maori chiefs, 204, 230, 231, 235, 259
Maoris, 114, 197, 205, 210, 233, 234, 528, 682
Maraves, the, of South Africa, 116
Marcellus of Bordeaux, 16, 17, 544
Mare, corn-spirit as, 459
Marena (Winter or Death) on Midsummer Eve in Russia, 318
Marigolds in magic, 44
Marimos, Bechuana tribe, 433
Marquesans, 180, 231233