The Bhagavad Gita plays a central role in Hinduism because of the important lessons it teaches. Create a short dialogue between two students that would help people understand these important lessons. Your dialogue should   • briefly describe the challenge Arjuna faced as he looked out at the battlefield. • explain the importance of doing one’s duty and of loving devotion to God, according to Krishna. • move back and forth between the two students.• be at least 10 lines long.• use correct grammar and spelling.

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The Bhagavad Gita plays a central role in Hinduism because of the important lessons it teaches. Create a short dialogue between two students that would help people understand these important lessons. Your dialogue should


• briefly describe the challenge Arjuna faced as he looked out at the battlefield.
• explain the importance of doing one’s duty and of loving devotion to God, according to Krishna.
• move back and forth between the two students.
• be at least 10 lines long.
• use correct grammar and spelling.