Question 1: Compare and contrast the goals and outcomes of the Vietnam and Korean Wars. Question 2: The United States appeared to be dominated by consensus and sameness in the 1950s. What are examples and counterexamples of this? Question 3: Compare and contrast the impact in the United States of the red scare and -anticommunism movements during the period 1917–1929 and the period 1939–1959. (These 3 questions are for AP US History, Chapter 27-30 on the textbook called "American History", by Alan Brinkley, thank you!)

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Question 1: Compare and contrast the goals and outcomes of the Vietnam and Korean Wars.

Question 2: The United States appeared to be dominated by consensus and sameness in the 1950s. What are examples and counterexamples of this?

Question 3: Compare and contrast the impact in the United States of the red scare and -anticommunism movements during the period 1917–1929 and the period 1939–1959.

(These 3 questions are for AP US History, Chapter 27-30 on the textbook called "American History", by Alan Brinkley, thank you!)