
4DEP HR poffessional map Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Assignment 4DEP

This report sets out to describe the HR professional map and identify the skills, behaviours and knowledge in Band 2 that I consider most essential in the Employee relations role.

The HR Professional Map

In 2009 the CIPD conducted a report on what human resource practitioner's did, their roles, and activities.They interviewed practitioner's from a large number of professions across different sectors and the result was the production of the HR professional map, that does not focus on job titles, but instead focused on the skills and behaviours. It is simple, flexible and can be used as a whole or in part. Starting with and including the two core professional areas, it consists of ten professional …show more content…

There are six activity areas, along with tasks performed at each band level, theses are Personal leadership,Leading others, Leading Issues:HR function design and service delivery,HR resource planning and development, delivering value and performance in HR teams and managing HR budgets and finances. The knowledge areas for this core professional area are Leadership, HR service delivery models, Commissioning services and Resource, Performance and Financial management.

Employee relations is one of the remaining eight professional areas, an Employee relations professional is required to display knowledge of a strong understanding of employment law, or can access relevant,current and planned changes to laws relevant to the organisation. There is also a requirement to identify and act to mitigate risk to the organisation, have the knowledge of employee relations risks, and is able to coach managers to resolve issues, they will also know how to analyse, collate and feedback on communications and messages heard.

Activities completed by an Employee relations practitioner are grouped under the headings, Employee relations strategy, policy and practice. Policy, advice and guidance. Complex casework. Collective negotiation and consultation and Health and well being.

When an Employee relations Practitioner is displaying competences in band two they will be reactive in most activities, issue lead dealing with current or near term issues. Behaviours

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