
A Critical Analysis Of Gerald Graff's 'Hidden Intellectualism'

Decent Essays

“Hidden Intellectualism” an article written by Gerald Graff is a very interesting piece of writing intended for the audience of high school and college educators. Throughout the text Graff argues that high schools and colleges are failing to incorporate topics that interest street smart students into the school system, which is therefore resulting in street smart students failing to do well academically in high school and college. He uses his own personal anecdote to support this. Graff successfully persuades his audience that high school and colleges can develop a student’s intellectualism by using topics that already interests students. He successfully does this through the use of development, conventions, and evidence. Development is a key tool that assists Graff to successfully persuade his intended audience of high school and college educators. “Everyone knows some young person who is impressively ‘street smart’ but does poorly in school…high schools and colleges might be at fault…We associate the educated life…too narrowly and exclusively…I offer my own adolescent experience…” (237). Graff develops the text effectively by using a flowing structure of paragraphs and ideas, he develops the text by introducing the topic of street smarts, as well as street smart kids generally for a few paragraphs, then he introduces his own personal anecdote, and reflection. Graff’s use of development makes it effortless for the audience to read, as there is no cutting back and forth

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