
America Needs Legal Immigrants Essay

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“We become not a melting pot, but a beautiful mosaic: Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, and different dreams (Carter, Jimmy). The United States of America has been given the name of the melting pot due to different cultures influencing ours and all melting together. We are considered the melting pot of the world due to citizens of other countries migrating to our country to make it their permanent residence. Immigration has been a part of the United States since its beginning (Florida, Richard). In the colonial era after settlements had already been made here on this land, a group of pilgrims came over to Plymouth and established a colony in 1620 due to religious persecution in Europe. In the 19th …show more content…

Stephen Dinan, a journalist from the Washington Times, says that there could be as many as 20 million residing in our country. “The Texas Federation of Republican Women, which describes itself as the state’s most powerful women’s political group, said in its Jan. 17, 2013, resolution: "Within the United States, there currently reside between nine and fifty million undocumented residents from all cultural and socio-economic backgrounds and nationalities." ("Republican Group Says 9 Million to 50 million Illegal Aliens Live in the States). The number estimated for undocumented population grew 27 percent between 2000 and 2009 ("Illegal Immigration to the United States"). Sixty-seven percent of these are believed to be from Mexico alone. In California alone, there are 2.8 million illegal aliens and in Texas 1.8 million (“Illegal Immigrants Are Bolstering Social Security with Billions”). This brings up the question: How do citizens of other countries sneak into ours and pretend that they are citizens of the United States? Some stow away in ships that are delivering goods or other items. There are those who act that they are taking trips and get the proper visas to stay a while, but never buy that plane ticket back to home. Also, they can get in with fraud documents and identification or they could cross the Mexican or Canadian borders (“Illegal Immigrants Are Bolstering Social Security with Billions”). The United States

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