
An Open Message On All E Mail Users

Good Essays

An open message to all e-mail users:

In recent weeks you may have received a slightly greater than usual number of e-mails purporting to be invoices or collection notices from a wide variety of sources. Despite our utilization of state-of-the-art e-mail filtering mechanisms, it is inevitable that a certain number of these messages will still get through. Ill-willed entities (with various motivations) are continuously attempting to obviate whatever protective mechanisms are placed in their way.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind all e-mail users of the following advice:

• If a message appears to come from an unexpected source, an entity you have never dealt with, or to which you have never given your business e-mail address, you should immediately be at least somewhat suspicious of its authenticity.
• If a message makes claims regarding a business connection or account which does not exist, you should also be suspicious. Such messages almost never come from a legitimate business that is merely mistaken about these sorts of things. They are almost always fake.
• If the sender’s purported address does not match the purported sender’s business name, be very suspicious. For instance, if a message appears to be a collection notice from American Express, but the sender’s e-mail address appears as, you should immediately be suspicious. Do look carefully, though, as a sender will sometimes use a clever, but not quite

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