
Analysis Of Cyclohexane Chromatography

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The Purpose of the experiment was broken into two parts both having to do with the purification and separation of different compounds and impurities. In part A was the distillation of cyclohexane and in part B it was about taking a 50:50 mixture of dichloromethane and cyclohexane and separating them through fractional distillation.
Refer to Chemistry 2513 Lab Manual Introductory Organic Chemistry Part 1 Fall 2014. Look for this experiment between pages 21-24

Cyclohexane: non-cloudy yellow liquid
50:50 cyclohexane and dichloromethane: clear non-cloudy liquid
Boiling Stones: round grey tiny stones

Discussion In the lab we used Dichloromethane and Cyclohexane in two different distilling techniques called fractional distillation and distillation. The result of doing these techniques is being able to determine the boiling point. Boiling point is when at a given temperature the external pressure equals vapour pressure. For simple …show more content…

This is different from fractional distillation because you would use this technique if there is a mixture of liquids with volatilities that cannot be separated easily. Also, because it is harder to separate this liquids another condenser has to be added to the distillation setup, this condenser has a metal sponge inside of it and tinfoil wrapped around the outside in order to increase surface area and ensures that the liquid heats enough to be able to reach the other condenser, this is attached to the round bottom flask that sits on the hot plate. For part A, the distillation can be described as a steady rounded incline, could be determined as a linear curve. Whereas in part B the distillation graph first starts as an almost straight line and then there is a quick almost S-like jump to a higher temperature and then continues at a slow

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