
Andrew Jackson Speedy Removal

Decent Essays

In his annual message delivered in 1830 to the Congress, Andrew Jackson says that the government is willing to give the Indians new home far away from the „settled, civilized, christian people” just because he thinks they are savages and cannot live next to normal people, and even further, he wants them to be grateful about it. He says they should be happy that he removes them from places where their ancestors lived and died. Jackson names it a kind, generous gesture and persuades people that this is the only solution, that Indians cannot live among other people because they are too wild, too little civilized and have to live away from civilization.
„The consequences of a speedy removal will be important to the United State, to individual …show more content…

Is it more afflicting to him to leave graves of his fathers than it is to our brothers and children?” In other words this means that the seventh President of the United States does not respect the history of Indians and their traditions. For him they are just an unnecessary ballast that he has to remove. Of course as a white men he only wants what is the best for his people but he might have forgotten that white men are the ones who came to the United States while Natives were already there. They are the ones that should adapt to the lives of Native Americans. One thing that I do not understand is why he could not let white men and Indians live together, both of them would finally accept the way the others live.
Once again the history shows that white people of United States are prejudiced and only think about what can give them profits. The less Indians near them, the more place for them to live. As a president, Andrew Jackson should take care of every single one of his people, not only the ones he accepts and can take advantage of. Instead of being an honest man, he lied and pose to be somebody his not - a friend of Indians that wants nothing else but their safety. His kindly gestures, as he calls them, were supposed to bring benefits to him and make ruling the country even

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