
Arctic Temperature

Decent Essays

Temperatures in the Artic
Over the last several years, researchers in the Arctic have begun closely monitoring the temperature and the alarming effect it seems to be having on the climate. According to researchers, the Arctic is having abnormally high air temperatures and sea surface temperatures, which are causing the melting of the ice leading to record breaking lows of ice. To the north, the Arctic is almost 100% ice and snow. The southern parts of the Arctic are where you can find more vegetation along with dense forests. The Arctic Research Program for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration director, Jeremy Mathis, “stated that the increase in temperature has caused a significant drop in the amount of ice that is on the surface …show more content…

Research professor Jennifer Francis from Rutgers University, is one of the people seeking answers to these questions. “She believes that the jet stream from the south and climate change is what is bringing in the warmer, wetter air and causing the warming trend” (Francis 2016). The US government’s National Snow and Ice Data Center has reported that in the last 25 years the amount of ice that continues to cycle through the arctic every year, has seen a significant 30% drop, along with 2 square kilometers less ice forming since September. This number is even higher than it was just in 2012, when this trend started to become alarming.
The amount of ice that is formed and melted the year before, helps set the stage for the ice that will be present the following year. So, with the warm temperatures and the lack of ice, studies are not showing very promising results for the upcoming …show more content…

Most of them can agree on the idea that the finger can be pointed towards humans themselves. Emissions from cars and factories along with landfills, greenhouse gases and companies continuing to find a cheaper, non-environmentally friendly way to make their products, can be to blame for the overall change in climate all over the world in the last century. The Arctic just happens to be one of the most important places that climate change can happen, given that the melting of ice will cause a rise in sea levels that will affect the entire

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