
Art Statue Analysis

Decent Essays

At first glance of the two statues, they look as if they were part of a bigger, grander arrangement. They both have similar style of carving, composition and go together well. So one can suspect that they may have been pulled out of a group even without prior knowledge of the people the figures represented. There are subtle details in both art pieces that helps to convey the emotions without being too dramatic to the viewer. For example, the position of the art work’s hand or the slight leaning of the head. These may seem to be too inconspicuous to convey a message, but when one sees all these elements come together in the piece, it all makes sense. The main focus of these art pieces are the emotions they convey and not necessary the craftsmanship of the artist. The artist is able to capture the viewer’s attention by making the art pieces convey their messages through their eyes and body composition. The figure representing the Virgin Mary is about life-size and covered in a draped garment. The drapery goes all the way from the head covering to the feet. The head covering seems to merge with the garment to create an …show more content…

It starts with a narrow head, getting wider around the torso, then narrow again around the feet. Other statues of the Virgin Mary also have this shape. And most people familiar with statues of Mary with most likely be able to recognize her in this particular statue. Although there is a familiarity in this shape, other aspects of this statue makes it unique. Only the tip of the left foot is visible. The artist may have done this on purpose to make carving seem seamless. Even the base of the art piece is not really distinguishable from the rest of the piece. It looks like the uncarved original base of the tree used to make the statue. It’s like the garment is melted into the base. .If not for the tip of the left foot poking out, one may be confused as to where the statue ends, and the base

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