
Aspirin Water: The Effects Of Medication On Plants

Satisfactory Essays

Medication has been used on humans for many centuries, but have you ever wondered if there would be an outcome if medication was used on plants? In my hypothesis, if aspirin water is added to growing cat grass, then the aspirin will make the cat grow faster because will speed up the growth process. I tested nine pots of cat grass with regular water, and aspirin added water. While doing some research I found various experiments with many different medications added to the plant(s). So these experiments lead me to my hypothesis. In my experiment the independent variable was the aspirin added plants. There were two different aspirin added plants, the first three plants had only one aspirin added in the water, and the other three plants had two …show more content…

5. Put plastic wrap over all pots until germination 6. Track growth every day for all 15 days. During this experiment all of the cat grass pots were measured every day for 15 days. I used a ruler to measure the growth of each plant. In the outcome of this experiment the regular water plant(s) grew the most, the one aspirin tablet plant(s) grew very little, and the 2 aspirin tablet plants didn’t grow hardly at all. I think this outcome happened because when I did research most of the experiments used very little amounts of medication in the plants. Also, the plants could have been over watered because the plants were watered with one and a half cup of water and aspirin added water every day. In my hypothesis, if aspirin water is added to growing cat grass, then the aspirin will make the cat grow faster because will speed up the growth process, this hypothesis does not support the data of this experiment. Since the regular water plants grew the most, that proves the hypothesis is incorrect. I think this experiment could be a benefit to society because if other students/teachers would ever want to do this experiment they can find out how aspirin does not help cat grass

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