
Benjamin Franklin's Red Jacket Defends Native American Religion

Decent Essays

The use of rhetoric is important, especially depending on your audience. Rhetorical devices are known for being used by Aristotle in 384 BC and even in today’s era where it is used by political leaders, spokesmen, etc. In a document written by Benjamin Franklin “Benjamin Franklin: Remarks concerning the Savages of North America” and in Red Jacket’s speech “Red Jacket Defends Native American Religion, 1805.” Ethos, logos, and pathos, along with other rhetorical devices are used by both Red Jacket and Benjamin Franklin, which is very important and can help with informing people, and even persuading them into side with a person during their speech. In “Red Jacket Defends Native American Religion, 1805.,” Red Jacket uses several rhetorical …show more content…

Red Jacket is a reliable source who has credibility on what he is stating. Benjamin Franklin is similar to Red Jacket, but not in the sense that Franklin is actually agreeing with his fellow people. In “Benjamin Franklin: Remarks concerning the Savages of North America,” Benjamin Franklin is a credible writer. He is not being ethnocentric when viewing how life is with both the Englishmen and Native Americans. The title of Franklin’s document catches the attention of many, making it seem as if Franklin is talking about the Natives themselves. The trust and credibility Franklin has with his audience has the effect of persuading his audience that the Natives are not as bad as that make them to be and that they are just as human as the next Englishman. But perhaps that trust was taken away from Benjamin Franklin and some of his fellow comrades did not agree with him for siding with the Native Americans. His explain of what is going on can also help his audience empathize with the Native Americans. Helping his audience is not only appealing to pathos, but also to ethos. Ethos can be given to or taken away from the speaker because ethos will always depend on the trust the speaker has with their audience. Irony is also used by Franklin in the document. In the text of “Benjamin Franklin: Remarks concerning the Savages of Native Americans,” Benjamin

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