
Brand Repositioning

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As we can see from the past and current situation, the marketplace is always changing and not just about purchasing and buying between consumers and sellers. More and more firms begin to concentrate on creating a positive image for a product. A firm can choose several positioning strategies, including strengthening the current position, repositioning or try to reposition the competition. (Hartline,2005) Brand repositioning is one of the most effective ways for a firm to solve tough situation. A firm should reposition its brand under the following four circumstances: when the first position is wrong, when there is strong competition in the marketplace, when the target consumer is to be changed, and to rebuild a brand’s personality. Every …show more content…

There are many factors which can influent consumers make decision whether they purchase the product or not, such as physical environment, perception, personality, lifestyle and culture. Customers will change their mind to not buy a product because of style, color, price or their own idea changed, such as consumers will notice the image of the brand instead of the function of the brand.(Ferrell, 2005).For example, when P&G has just entered in China, its original position of brand “Rejoice” all-in-one shampoo is bring people convenience and flexibility of their hair. Later, P & G in market development found that consumers most need is to establish self-confidence, then from 2000 “Rejoice” reposition its brand to “self-confidence” instead of “convenience and flexibility” for the demand of consumers. (Hartline,2005) Consumers are the focus of the marketplace because whatever merchant do is all attempt to attract their needs and desires. Merchants are not only the people who sell products to consumers, but also should see the investment with a long-term sight. Consumer needs is changeable, maybe sometimes it will affect a firm’s original plan, but firms should always remember that consumers are god. Then a firm probably has a great prospect. Finally, when a firm realized that customers have a vague impression of their its brand, then it is the right time for a

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