
Business Common Law

Decent Essays

HNC BUSINESS COMMON LAW 1 ASSIGNMENT 1 Darina Byrne Explain why it is important to have an intention to create legal relations when making a contract and why is consideration of the parties to the agreement necessary-: Intention to create legal relations can be defined as follows. ‘An agreement will only become a legally binding contract if the parties intend this to be so. This will be strongly presumed in the case of business agreements but presumed otherwise if the agreement is of a friendly, social or domestic nature.’ Source (HNC unit 5 Business law course book) In determining whether the parties intend their agreements to be legally binding the court is guided by two presumptions. Parties to a domestic or social …show more content…

Executed In the case of unilateral contracts, where the offeror promises something in return for the offerees doing something, the promice only becomes enforceable when the offeree has actually preformed the required act. Past consideration -not valid This category does not actually count as consideration-with past consideration the action is preformed before the promise that it is supposed to be consideration for such action is not sufficient to support a later promise.(ref-: McArdle 1951) Rules relating to consideration Consideration must not be past. Performance must be legal. Performance must be possible. Consideration must move from the promise.(Tweddle v Atkinson(1861)) Consideration must be sufficient but need not be adequate. The court will not intervene to require equality in the value exchanged as long as the agreement has been freely entered into.( Chappell + Co v Nestle co(1959)) In Pinnels case 1602 it was stated that payment of a lesser sum cannot be any consideration for the whole amount owed. This opinion was approved in (Foakes v beer (1884)). However the following will operate to discharge an outstanding debt fully-: Payment in kind. Payment at a different place. Payment of a lesser sum by a third party. A composition arrangement between creditors that they will accept part payment of their debts. Source (course notes). Explain why it is important that a contracting parties

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