
Case Study: The Seven Model Of Mckinsey

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The seven model of Mckinsey
Answer-1a There are 7 model which can build the path of best outcomes for oolong tea plantation because Mckinsey point out all the strategies like operational skills, assets which cannot be reproduced, expertise require for the development etc. will surely help any business unit.
• Zealong should add some characteristics and refine qualities of the product to increase the sale towards existing customers. Most importantly it will bring customer loyalty in the company’s product.
• The company should find effective way to communicate about the product in public to boost up the sale of existing product but this plan does not work every time and it can be tricky also.
• Whenever the right time comes up company should introduce brand new products in …show more content…

Introduction of new technology, strictness in law, reduction in profit margin etc. are the examples of threats.
Answer 2b The swot analysis of Zealong tea given as follows:
1. The utmost power of company is uniqueness i.e. out of box thinking.
2. This is only company in whole world which provides high quality product and certified by ISO22000 HACCP.
3. The leadership qualities of founders and highly skilled labour from Taiwan gives more power to company. Moreover use of latest technology also built up their abilities.

1. The company is not so active in spreading awareness of e-shop in people. Therefore company is not able to boost their sale.
2. The price of tea is very much expensive which creates large hole in the market of oolong tea plantation. Most of people in every countries are middle class who will not able to buy this product only for one reason- expensive product 100$ for 150gm.
3. The marketing strategy of company is not so convincing because they can extend their product range with good

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