
Causes And Consequences Of Climate Change

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Years have passed and the question many people have avoided when asked over a decade is, are severe greenhouse gases affecting the plant diversity in our ecosystem and other factors? That could not only affect our plants ecosystem but the human race as we speak. As the years transgressed, humanity began to realize the harmful actions society had incorporated towards a conspiracy people allowed to become a floating thought. However, action by earth’s inhabitants was redundant by those whom warned the naïve of the repercussions at an early stage. This being said climate change is present and has now projected an increase in the cause of diseases as well as death, habitat changes for plants, and severe storms along with hurricanes that will continue to deteriorate the planet.
Climate change is present in Earth due to the greenhouse gases that are held or trapped in heat in the atmosphere by absorbing infrared radiation and emitting it back in high amounts, causing global warming among other factors that contribute to it; such as, the burning of fossil fuels and the industrial revolution. Due to these actions, society will begin to face an increase in diseases in different regions that will mostly affect those that face poverty, the elderly, and children. Slowly those diseases will also lead to the death of many people due to the temperature that continues to rise. According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, “elevated temperatures in the 2003 European heat

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