
Cellphones and effects on society

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Technology advances every day and surely cellular phones are revolutionizing the XXI Century. New mobile devices contain most of the functions of a computer, better known as smart phones. They also give you the opportunity to stay in touch with whom you wish to and also you can take pictures, listen to music, and most significantly, it connects you with the rest of the world through the network. But have you ever stopped and think, how much time you spend using your phone, and how so often you check it? And without realizing that, most people who own a cell have created a dependency to their device, and sometimes spending too much time on it. Cellphones can have really good assets on society, but there are also some negative effects. …show more content…

“With more technological capabilities, such as personal organizers and navigation devices, people see the cell phone as an essential part of their everyday lives and even feel that they have a “personal relationship” with their phones”( Drakatos) Customization cell becomes indispensable to anyone, therefore, colors, images, messages and even custom sounds become, but the person seeking to give a taste and a personal touch to the device. All these can be considered advantages or disadvantages but in the end, each user is what will determine how far to include cellphones in their lives and how much will it control your life, depending on how far. By integrating technology into our lives, it will change automatically, it won’t change overnight, but it is a gradual change that doesn’t get people to think about the integration of technology as an imposition but as a simple evolution. The main function for which it was adopted in the beginning was to replace by a digital camera, a video camera , music player , calendar , radio, etc.,. This is a very important point because the main functions are displaced again by the status, importance can be given to a person bringing the most advanced phone, with more

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