
Child Development 0 - 19 Years Essay

Decent Essays


3.1 and 3.2 It is important to ensure children and young people are protected within the work setting :

In my work setting, all the children and young people have been subjected to some kind of personal trauma, making some of them display unpredictable behaviour, our working practice and policies are designed to keep both staff and children/young people feel safe and protected during day to day work and contact with the children/young peoples families, making children/young people understand all of us have to work to and adhere to rules and boundaries in order to protect all of us.

We have designated areas that children/young people are allowed as long as they are adequately supervised. They are allowed to wait in the …show more content…

Staff and children’s whereabouts are known at all times by staff phoning in, if their itinerary changes during the day. The day/white board is then updated accordingly.

Staff understand the importance of not divulging any personal information eg: Address, telephone number, face book or email address details this includes their own personal mobile phone number, and land line numbers.

There is a policy on staff not taking clients home, this includes children looked after, children and young people in need, care leavers or their parents to the staff members home. Any exceptions to this being considered, must be referred to the Head Of Service first.

When contact is taking place in a children’s centre. That particular centre’s emergency procedures have to be adhered to and risk assessments made. This includes Supervised contact that happens off site too.

During the recruitment process, in depth knowledge is gained by the managers as to the potential new member of staffs understanding of how to keep children and young people from

harm when working with them. After recruitment, continuous training, and supervision takes place to furthermore imbed this knowledge and it is backed up by our working policies and procedures.

All the policies are written with a

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