
Childhood Obesity : Becoming A Medical Condition

Decent Essays

Childhood Obesity Childhood Obesity is a well known issue in the United States. To some individuals childhood obesity is considered to be a medical condition while others may argue that is not. Childhood obesity is the condition where excessive body fat negatively affects a child 's wellbeing or health. Being obese is different from being overweight, although both mean that a person’s weight is greater than what is considered healthy for his or her height. Childhood obesity should be taken extremely serious or it could lead to life threatening situations. Several ways in which one can avoid children from becoming obese is by being physically active, maintaining healthy eating habits and having portion control. While we cannot monitor everything children do in their daily life, healthy eating habits are essential. We need to work together. Along with parents there is certainly an onus on schools to do more to adopt healthy behaviors. In the United States over 32 million students eat school meals every day, and for many of these children, school meals account for up to 50% of their daily energy intake. Because of this schools have already been subject to new guidelines for school meals, developed by the United States Department of Agriculture. These guidelines require schools to have a higher offering of whole grain rich foods, offer only fat-free or low fat milk products, and

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