
Children Of The Dragon : China 's One Child Policy

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Children of the Dragon: China’s One-Child Policy The earth’s growing population is a global concern. Both developed and third-world countries, are experiencing shortages of food, water and access to adequate healthcare. Although the poorest are hardest hit, even powerful countries like the United States and Great Brittan have been affected. Recent shortages of medication and fuel are contributing to speculation and concern. Governments the world over are turning to alternative energy and sustainable living, as a means of supporting the increased populace. The People’s Republic of China, however, has taken a drastically different approach with the implementation and enforcement of the One-Child per family policy. Despite extensive criticism, proponents of the measure feel that it has improved life in China. The policy, implemented in 1979, “was created by the Chinese government to alleviate social, economic and environmental problems in China” (Cabrera). Supporters of the policy claim that is has been successful. One measurement of a country’s success is its financial growth and China has seen an improvement in that respect. “With that rapid GDP growth, has come better nutrition, rising levels of education, longer life expectancies, and higher living standards for the vast majority of Chinese people.” (Azubel 2). Unfortunately, that financial growth has had little impact on the isolated farms and villages. The benefits of having only one child are obvious

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