
Coaching Plan Essay

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Upon successful completion of this project I will identify an existing problem of a team that I am a part of and I will act as team leader and develop a coaching plan to solve this problem. I will use my current place of employment as an example. As team leader, I will lead the resolution to the problem and build a more cohesive and productive team.

Background of the Organization and Team Structure I’ve been working as a paramedic for a hospital in New York City for the past eight years. The hospital is located in an underprivileged neighborhood in the South Bronx area of New York City. The hospital is made up of a 17-story tower that provides medical, specialty, outpatient, psychiatric, substance abuse, and emergency medical services. The …show more content…

Depending on how new and experienced the employee is at a certain job, this timing can vary greatly. Along similar lines, a coach needs to recognize what kind of coaching is needed. Does the situation call for you to work side by side with the employee, or do you just need to check in from time to time and wait for the team or a member of the team to come to you? In the case of the emergency department the employees are not brand new, the tasks they are being asked to perform are not brand new either, and the employees have the full skill set needed to complete the job independently. This situation doesn’t call for intense coaching. The employees are skilled and they have the majority of the responsibility for the outcome. The coach should allow the employees to take the responsibility and run with it. You are maintaining a level of coaching that empowers and motivates the employee, but you are not micro-managing. The power of the GROW coaching model is that it leads to a clearly defined end result through four phases. The employees are personally active in identifying problems and generating ideas for solutions. That means that anything that comes out of the coaching session has a chance of being …show more content…

The GROW Model is globally renowned for its success in both problem solving and goal setting, helping to maximize and maintain personal achievement and productivity. Part of what makes it such a powerful leadership tool is its flexibility. Its efficacy transcends boundaries of culture, discipline and personality. The GROW Model has proved successful all over the world to a diverse mix of people with a variety of backgrounds and experiences. It forms the most common basis of coaching in many organizations and universities globally. The GROW Model is now one of the most popular principal pillars utilized within the international coaching community as a whole, due to the outstanding results it helps people to achieve personally and within global organizations. The implementation of the GROW Model, by using carefully structured questions, promotes a deeper awareness and responsibility and encourages proactive behavior, as well as resulting in practical techniques to accomplish goals and overcome obstacles. The use of continuous and progressive coaching skills support provides the structure which ultimately helps to unlock an individual’s true potential by increasing confidence and motivation, leading to both short- and long-term benefits. The GROW Model has been seen to yield higher

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