
Communication-The Evolution Of The Cell Phone

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Communication-The Evolution of the Cell Phone The importance of the Smart Phone Could you imagine going a day without your smart phone? It seems as though everyone now a days owns a smart phone. Smart phone have became rapidly advanced in such a short amount of time, with the competition between the two major smart phone companies Apple and Samsung competing to create a brand a new model every year with new features. The demand for smart phones is increasing and statistics show that more people have mobile phones than toilets. The time people spend on the cell phones is mostly spent on apps, and people are spending an average of 3 hours and 23 minutes per day in apps and only 50 minutes accessing the mobile web. Statistic also show that nearly 75 percent of US adults will use a smart phone in 2017, and it is continuing to increase. So, how was the smart phone born? Before the smart phone there were several devices that were used but not until recently those technologies were combined to create the smart phone. How it all started- Hamda Adaweh The first invention of the cellphone that eventually led to the modern day smartphone was created in 1973. The first cellphone prototype was called the Motorola DynaTAC in 1973. The first cellphone call ever made was from Marty Cooper, who was an employee of Motorola employee at the time. The world’s first smartphone was released by its’ creators, BellSouth and IBM in 1993. Its’ features included mail, fax, address book, calendar,

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