
Comparing The Great Depression And The Great Recession

Decent Essays

The Great Depression and the Great Recession were two financial crises that ruined the economy for a great number of people. Not only was the U.S. significantly impacted, but the world was affected as well. Although many years set them apart, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Barack Obama both responded to dire situations in a similar manner by implementing acts that prompted government involvement, created jobs for the unemployed, and promoted pump priming. The federal government played an active role in combating both the Great Depression and the Great Recession. Roosevelt’s New Deal was a series of programs that worked to provide relief and recovery to Americans. During the Great Recession, Obama passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act), which is considered by many to be a response similar to that of Roosevelt’s in 1933. According to the U.S. Department of Education, the Recovery Act included measures to “improve our nation's …show more content…

Roosevelt and Obama similarly responded to their respective crisis by using pump priming techniques in order to stimulate the economy. This was met with opposition because many people were worried about the amount of money being put into the presidents’ programs. Some of their policies were also seen as controversial because they prompted increased government involvement. For example, the Affordable Care Act, which worked to make healthcare more affordable and accessible, and the Social Security Act, which established unemployment insurance for those who lost their jobs, were both seen as job destroyers by many, despite being implemented with the purpose of helping the American people. Obama and Roosevelt responded to the Great Recession and the Great Depression, respectively, by creating socialized programs with the hope that these would jumpstart the economy, create jobs, and promote

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