
Nursing Concept Of Caring Essay

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Abstract It is evident that nursing theorists, scholars and health care professions have varying interpretations of what caring is or should be. In the middle of all these disparity, caring is a vital component of the nursing practice and the key to choosing the concept of caring is because it is very essential when it comes to health care. This paper tries to make clear the concept of caring in the field of nursing and it makes use of the Walker and Avant outline to support the concept. It starts with recognizing the concept and its functions. It then identifies three emerging attributes of caring will be identified and a description of each will be given. At last, the paper will recognize antecedents, the effects or consequences and …show more content…

The Oxford Dictionary defines caring as the work or practice of looking after, as well as, displaying kindness and concern for those who are unable to care for themselves, especially on account of age or illness. Meanwhile, Avant and Walker (2011) terms caring as an interpersonal process which requires an emotional commitment coupled with willingness to fulfill combined responsibilities and to be trustworthy enough to act on behalf of a person. In essence, it helps in developing great interpersonal relationship between the nurses and the patients in the healthcare centers in a systematic scientific manner. Emerging attributes from the model case The concept of caring has various attributes. The term attributes is defined as characteristics which are inherent and essential to the meaning of a concept (Avant & Walker, 2011). Examples include relationship, action, attitude, acceptance and variability. Three attributes that emerged within the model case are relationship, action and attitude. Relationship refers to having meaningful relationships. Relationships are considered the basis of nursing and a moral imperative of entering into a relationship with the patient. The relationship starts when the nurse identifies a patient need and is motivated to help. Trust, intimacy and responsibility play an essential role in a

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