
Corporate Personhood

Decent Essays

I find it ridiculous that I have to say this: corporations are not people. And yet, the supreme court seems to disagree. In 2010, the supreme court ruled in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission that grants corporations the rights of citizens. Since then, many people have rightfully asked for the abolition of Corporate Personhood. Corporations are not sentient beings and have no moral code or understanding of the law; therefore, they are not responsible for any legal discretions: people running the corporations are. People can consciously make decisions that are harmful to others but may never have to reconcile for it because they were doing it under the company. Here’s the thing: corporations can't go to jail. The only way to make corporations pay is to literally make them pay fines. Even lawsuits worth millions of dollars can be nothing to large companies with vast amounts of wealth. Corporations will just pay the fines and continue functioning as before. …show more content…

Under the supreme court ruling, corporations were granted corporate personhood--a term that in itself is an oxymoron. The term combines two words: corporate, meaning relating to a corporation, especially a large company or group, and personhood, meaning the quality or condition of being an individual person. One cannot be a part of a large company or group and be considered and individual person in the same aspect. Corporations are made up of individual people, who each possess the right of personhood, all making decisions based off of their own understanding of right and wrong. As Henry Thoreau said in his essay Civil Disobedience, “It is truly enough said that a corporation has no conscience; but a corporation of conscientious men is a corporation with a conscience”. The conscience of a corporation should never be called into question, but instead the conscience of those controlling the

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