
Tim Brown Design Thinking

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Design Thinking I have been researching about Design Thinking and the vital role that reinterpretation plays in the design process and reviews. Moreover, to discover more information, I used the library, Google Scholar and ACM Digital Library and various magazines, blogs and articles. I used speech marks on the phrase “Design Thinking” before entering it on the search engines. The purpose of this is to ensure I discover appropriate information. I have selected the book Design Studies by Catherine Stones published in 2010, The Principles & Purpose of Interactive Design published by Jamie Steane in 2014, as well as, the book Wicked Problems in Design Thinking by Richard Buchanan, 1992. The reason I have carefully chosen these books is due to the reviews, their informative nature and there are different range of published dates. Moreover, Tim Brown discussed Harvard Business Review in 2008 about Design Thinking, as well as, Jon Kolko wrote an article about 20 Design Thinking Comes Of Age and Phil Brown recently discussed Why Design Thinking Conquered The World, research as well as, Steve Lennon discussed about Design Thinking. The text, which is less relevant is the Wicked Problems In Design Thinking as it is quite an old text book. Overall, all these books and sources give applicable information. Furthermore, I discovered how visual research designers, sketchbooks and blogs are sources of inspiration for continual development of ideas. The fact that design students are

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