
Devry Bis 245 All Discussions Question - Graded

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DeVrY BIS 245 All Discussions Question - Graded
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DeVrY BIS 245 All Discussions Question - Graded

Databases and Gathering Requirements (graded)
1. Why are databases important to business? How do databases generate sales and-or profits? What databases do you interact with, and how do they benefit you?
2. What is meant by requirements gathering, and why is it important to clearly define the data requirements of a database before creating it?
3. Read the General Business Example on page 7 of the Frost …show more content…

The database is also found in the first page of Doc Sharing. View the content and structure of the database, and then choose one of the questions that follow to answer.
Later in the week, you may answer a second or third question, but let's start off with everyone answering one at a time.
a. What kinds of queries would be useful to Woodcraft, assuming that it wants to improve its sales, relationship with its customers, or other aspects of its business? Describe what information you might want to select from the database in the form of a query, and list the specific columns and data that the query would produce. Assume that they have hundreds of customers, rather than the short list found in the database file.
b. Suggest additional tables and information that you would like to see in a database like this, the kinds of queries that it would facilitate, and how such queries would help the company improve its business goals of profitability, cost reduction, or other business strategies.
c. Using the Woodcraft database file, create some queries that use concepts found in the textbook, as well as this week's lab. Post a screenshot of your query design and result set in a Word document.
d. Research one new feature that you haven't studied as it relates to query generation, and show how you could use that feature to create a useful query. Use the Woodcraft database to showcase this query-generation technique and post it in

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