
Does Planting Depth Affect Seed Growth? Essay examples

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When planting a seed, many factors allow the seed to grow and become a plant. To sprout from the ground, and to survive, seeds need water, air, and a certain temperature. Seeds can get water, oxygen, and sun by being placed at the proper planting depth. Planting depth is the depth at which a seed is placed in the soil. If a seed is exposed to these important needs, it goes through a process called germination. According to the Wise Geek article, “What is Germination?”, “Germination is a process in which a seed or spore awakens from dormancy and starts to sprout.” (“What is Germination?”).
The germination process begins when water and oxygen are pulled into the seed by the seed’s coating. The embryo’s cells grow bigger as water and air …show more content…

Something that can be concluded from this is that a major change in planting depth does affect seed growth. Another experiment that provided similar results was conducted by J. L. Beveridge and C. P. Wilsie. In the journal article “Influence of Depth of Planting, Seed Size, and Variety on Emergence and Seeding Vigor in Alfalfa”, the writers explain, “Emergence of seedlings of three varieties of alfalfa decreased as depth of seeding was increased.” (Beveridge and Wilsie). Planting depth of crops can vary. The depth at which seeds are placed can be changed if the conditions are morphed to fit the plant’s needs. A crop such as soybeans can be planted at varied depths. It can be planted at 1 to 1.5 inches if the soil has a fine texture, it is planted early in the season, and lots of water is available. This plant can be placed at about 2 inches if the soil is coarse and it is planted late in the season. If soybeans are planted at this depth, they do not need a great amount of moisture. (Staton). The research on this topic tells that planting depth will affect seed growth. The studies that I found conclude that as the depth that seeds were placed increased, the event of plants sprouting out of the ground decreased. This most likely means that the seeds planted at shallow depths will sprout. The seeds planted deep in the soil will be less likely to sprout. For my science fair project, I will be planting

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