
Does Radiation Affect Plant Growth?

Satisfactory Essays

Plants are exposed to radiation daily. Does radiation affect plants growth? How does it change the plant? If plants are exposed to radiation they will grow faster due to the energy being given to the seeds. My Hypothesis was rejected. The plant I used were yellow wax beans. The object being changed were the seeds. One was not microwaved at all, the second microwaved for 15 seconds, and finally the last one was microwaved for 30 seconds. The water, and Soil was kept the same, along with the light the plants were given. Each day the plant(s) growth were measured by the height daily with the acceptance of weekends and absences. On day 5 Plant cell 1 fell and the growing seed fell. Cell #1 never grew again. Cell #3 Died around day 10. Plant cell #2 grew very well. At the end of the experiment on day 35 the plant grew to be 47 centimeters. This was the plant that was microwaved for 15 seconds. About each day the pattern was shown that it grew around .50 cm a day to 1.5 centimeters a day. So each day it did grow a decent amount. Plant cell …show more content…

I believe ways to make this experiment better would be the amount of days and the amount of plants. I believe having more than 35 days would give me more time to measure more data to make an accurate experiment. I also believe more plants, instead of 5, would help you get a more accurate measurement with the exception of natural causes. With these being extended it would help me get a better example of Radiation VS Plants. Overall the amount of water, sunlight, and soil would stay the same along with the Plants and days would be changed. Also next time I would be more descriptive on how I describe the plants appearances. Like how many leaves, what shape are they, what is the texture. Now we know, plant radiation does affect a plants growth, too much of it, will kill the

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