
Donald Trump : The Top Republican Candidates

Decent Essays

Donald Trump is one the top Republican candidates who is running. He is very famous for his various TV shows and earning his wealth through his massive real estate business. Donald Trump is very different, compared to Hillary Clinton and even to the other Republican candidates, because he will tell you how it is, and he will not sugar coat anything. He is what most would call “brutally honest.” The policies and views he has on certain things are positive and negative. One of Trumps biggest challenges is getting people to think of him a serious candidate. Many Americans see him as “goofy” and not serious enough to be a good president. Another issue he will face will be getting his party support and vote because his policies are very aggressive. Donald Trump’s background is in business not in a political field. This could cause a major support problem because many of his Republican opponents have political backgrounds. Trump is campaigning with three key policies: tax reform, second amendment rights, and immigration reform. He believes that if he can accomplish these three things he will be able to “make America great again.” One of his other obstacles he has to face is his views over abortion. Being the Republican candidate he is, it is expected of his him to have strong views of anti-abortion. What most citizens do not like is the fact that he used to be pro-choice and now he is pro-life. The 2nd amendment is one Donald Trumps key policies during this campaign. He wants to

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