
Effects Of Caffeine On The United States Of America

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Coffee is a very popular, and commonplace, drink in the United States of America.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, adolescents should not consume more than one hundred milligrams a day, and even less so for younger children. Typically, an eight ounce (237 milliliters) drink of brewed caffeinated coffee contains a range of ninety-five to two hundred milligrams of coffee, whereas the same sized drink of decaffeinated coffee will generally have two to twelve milligrams (Nutrition). So, decaffeinated coffee only contains, generally, 0.04% of the caffeine that untreated coffee grounds have. In testing both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee, it might be possible to see if the caffeine in the coffee will have a distinct effect …show more content…

Fast plants were first routinely planted in Nepal by a farmer. Generations later, a plant explorer recognized them as brassica plants. She took seeds back to the United States and they were left untouched until a scientist was looking for a brassica plant in order to further study diseases that plagued plants of the same family, such as cabbage or broccoli. This scientist decided to use these Fast Plants because they had a much shorter life cycle than the other plant he was considering using (Williams). Instead of a year per each generation, fast plant’s life cycle is only thirty-five days long, as is seen from the image to the left. The plants usually are flowering in twelve to fourteen days (Wisconsin 1). A typical life cycle of fast plants is faster than other plants, contributing to its name “Fast Plants”. Typically, the cotyledon will appear within forty-eight to seventy-two hours, true leaves should form in four to nine days, and flowers will open in thirteen to seventeen days. By using Fast Plants, data is able to be collected quicker than if a traditional plant was to be used. However, in order to optimize growing time, certain conditions need to be met.
Such conditions for these plants are things such as temperature and distance from a grow light. According to the pamphlet that comes with Wisconsin Fast Plants, the optimum temperature for the plants is twenty-two to twenty-eight degrees centigrade. There

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