
Essay On The Concept Of Limited Liability And The Christian Worldview

Decent Essays

The Concept of Limited Liability and the Christian Worldview.

“Morality cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated. Judicial decrees may not change the heart, but they can restrain the heartless” (Martin Luther King, Jr., Strength to Love, 1963). These words of Martin Luther King, Jr. speaks volume to the society that we find ourselves. It is very rare to come across business owners like Frank who wants to do what is right; first of all, by God and secondly by the laws of the country. According to Henry Cheeseman, a limited liability company is an “unincorporated business entity that combines the most favorable attributes of general partnerships, limited partnership, and corporations” (Business Law: Legal Environment Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and International Issue). The overall advantages of a limited liability company include personal liability protection, business liability protection, no ownership restrictions, flexible tax statues, no separate tax returns, no double taxation and flexible profit distribution. …show more content…

Frank has the right to form any type of business which he desires so far as its in line with the laws of the state. Now Frank chooses the limited liability company with a lot of advantages. There is nothing wrong with choosing sometimes that works for us so far as its in line with the law or with the bible if we are Christians. The problem comes when there us an abuse of the system. Limited Limited Company has a lot of advantages to the owners. What happens when there is an abuse of those advantages. One of the protections of limited liability company is asset protection. It will be ethical wrong to abuse this protection. One way that this protection can be abused is by intentional securing credit to buy personal assets knowing very well that should the company go under their personal asset cannot be

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