
Ethical Consideration

Decent Essays

Ethical Consideration
A research project was submitted to Primary health care corporations ethical committee for its consideration. Ethical approval was granted by Primary health care corporations, ethics committee before commencement of this research project. Consent forms were signed by all the interviewees stating that they were willing to participate in the interview and also for digital recording of the interview. The consent form ensured the confidentiality and anonymity, though out the process.
In general, a qualitative research that includes narrative inquiry requires the researcher to serve as an instrument for collecting the data. So, there are many factors in each research that may affect the quality of the research findings such as the researcher’s experience, education, values, and beliefs(Yin 2003). The researcher was aware of bias like experience in previous researches, but has taken all measures to get aquatinted with the interview process by conducting pilot interview to change the structure of interviews as appropriate and gain confidence in the process. Other possible interviewee bias like not answering the question completely or forgetting to mention important points during the interview process, but recollecting this after the interview is possible in any qualitative analysis. The researcher tried to eliminate these biases …show more content…

It mentions the aim of the research, the criteria of selection of subjects for interviews, details regarding the interviews and data collection procedures and how the data was analyzed and finally the ethical consideration and limitation of study was discussed.

This chapter discussed the methodological approach undertaken in the research. It outlined the research questions, the method employed for data collection, the sampling methods and how the data was analysed along with ethical considerations and the limitations of the

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