
Examples Of Escapism In Horses Of The Night

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The course of action an individual pursues is due to one’s motivation, weather that may be personal influences, or influences from others in the community. The motivation one finds helps them to jumpstart their chosen course of action, and guide them through the journey. In Margaret Laurence’s short story “Horses of the Night” Chris, demonstrates how his motivation conducts him through his excursion of life. The varying sources help to influence and guide him through these decisions and impact hid course of action. Chris’ motivation is revealed through his need of escapism, hints of pathetic fallacy, and how his family situation affects him and helps develop his chosen actions.

The text introduces us to Chris when he is just a boy, around the age of 15, entering high school in the new town of Manawaka. He is a "tall lanky boy" with "his face angular, the bones showing through the brown skin" opinionated by Vanessa. Also his "grey eyes were slightly slanted, and his hair was the colour of couchgrass... a light yellow by the sun." Coming from a poor family, Chris had little to wear and his clothing was old and ragged; earning the opinion of Vanessa's mother, "...Look at the shirt and trousers-must've been his father's, the poor kid." Chris seemed to be a quite fellow, not …show more content…

Different factors play into one's motivation, such as how Chris' motivation is greatly affected by his need to escape his personal depression, the physical Great Depression outside, and his family's situation. All these factors contribute to Chris' journey and how they affected his life. One's Motivations may change as they experience life, and they may feel like they need to alter their path in order to get to where they want to be. Once that change occurs, they no longer have control of where those actions have taken them, and they may find themselves where they never imagined to

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