
Examples Of Object Oriented Analysis Design

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Object Oriented Analysis Design (OOAD) Object Oriental Analysis Design is a hands on approach used to model and create systems as a group of interacting objects. The term “Object”, describes a form of entity or “thing” of concern. Objects are typically modeled after real world entities or concepts. For the business analyst, examples of objects may range from; invoice, product, contract, etc. Objects usually contain attributes that can be set to specific values. With Object Oriented Approach to system design, it tries to lessen the impact of problems by combining related data and functions into the same module. Objects In the real world can be characterized by two things; data and behavior. For example, a television is an object and possess data in the sense that it is tuned to a particular channel, the scan rate is set to a certain value, the contrast and brightness is a particular value and so on. The television object can also "do" things. The television can switch on and off, the channel can be changed, and so on. Below is a graphical representation of a single object and its characteristics: …show more content…

“During the object-oriented analysis (OOA) phase object-modeling techniques are used to analyze the functional requirements for a system and create models which reflect the logical design of the system. During the object-oriented design (OOD) phase of the system, models are elaborated upon to include implementation specific details that show how the physical design of the system will come together. OOA focuses on what the system does (its static structure and behavior), OOD on how the system does it (its run-time implementation).”

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