
Family Matters : Family And Family

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Family Matters Family isn’t who shares the same blood. Family isn’t who you’re related to. Family isn’t who birthed you. Family isn’t who you share a house with. Family isn’t in the blood. Family is the people who would shed blood for you, no matter what. My dad, he doesn’t share the same blood as me. He wasn’t there holding my mother’s hand when her emotions were awoken by the sound of her first born, a girl, being swaddled in blankets and handed over to her embrace. He hasn’t lived in the same house as me for over more than two years, but he is family and I couldn’t be more proud to call him “Dad”. I remember all the awful times when my parents were together. Mom worked the night shift and had to study for college during the day. She didn’t have just four kids to take care of at the same time; it was more like five. Father sat in his red sued chair and watched his seventy-two inch flat screen television closer than he watched my baby sister, Alyssa, crawl on the floor. Babysitting became my job while mom cooked, cleaned, studied, and did laundry. I watched Alyssa, Dalton, and Camden, my three siblings at that time. Mom was great and I truly believed she was a superhero. I didn’t really like Father though. I got used to only getting a few hours of sleep every night because I would quietly sob in my room while I heard my father talk down to my mom about how she didn’t get all of the laundry done or complain about how awful dinner tasted. I never saw Father raise a hand at

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