
Flannery O'Conner and the use of grotesque character in 'Good country people' and 'a good man is hard to find'

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"The representation of the grotesque is a characteristic of much 20th century writing" (Holman 61). Almost all of O 'Connor 's short stories usually end in horrendous, freak fatalities or, at the very least, a character 's emotional devastation. People have categorized O 'Connor 's work as "Southern Gothic" (Walters 30). In Many of her short stories, A Good Man Is Hard To Find for example, Flannery O 'Connor creates grotesque characters to illustrate the evil in people. Written in 1953, A Good Man Is Hard To Find is one of O ' Connor 's most known pieces of work and has received many awards. Throughout the story, you come across many twists and turns when you least expect it. A Good Man Is Hard To Find is a story which includes religion, …show more content…

O 'Connor writes in ways that let us know the characters thoughts without really coming out and telling us. O 'Connor often changes the mood of the story very quickly from amusement to horror and vice - versa. In her stories, grotesque is often used to tie together the seriousness and the comedic situations. "Flannery O 'Connor said of her work, 'the look of the fiction is going to be wild... it is almost of necessity going to be violent and comic; because of the discrepancies it seeks to combine. '" (Walters 7). Many had their own opinions of O 'Connor 's work. "The literary works of Flannery O 'Connor often contend that religious belief can only be consummated by direct confrontation with evil and for those uncommitted and unprepared, tragedy seems inevitable." (Cook Online). Many of the early critics never realized that O 'Connor 's worked with revelation, which at the time, others did not (Reagan Online). As Frederick Asals once said, "Conflict, often violent conflict, is the very center of Flannery O 'Connor 's fiction"(93). Although O 'Connor 's work was awarded greatly, it was also often "dismissed" because of its "Gothic Violence" (Reagan Online). I have to agree with Dorothy Walters when she says, "...nothing is more striking than her remarkable capacity to blend the comic and the serious in a single view of reality." (13). O 'Connor was very successful each

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