
Four Key Concepts Of Brand Management: Elements Of Brand Management

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According to Rohan Agarwal Brand Management, elements of branding are studied under following four key concepts:
1. Brand identity.
2. Brand image.
3. Brand position.
4. Brand equity. Brand Identity:

Aaker defines brand identity as “a unique set of brand associations that the brand strategist aspires to create or maintain. These associations represent what the brand stands for and imply a promise to customers from the organization members”.
Brand identity can be said to be an insider’s perception of the brand manager’s decisions of what he wants to communicate to its actual and potential customers. However, in a long while, a product’s brand identity may require, generating new attributes from consumer’s perceptions and not necessarily from the company’s marketing communication it provide …show more content…

Brand Image:

Brand image echoes the perceptions that customers have about a brand of product or service. Brand image sums up the total impression created brand in the minds of the target market or consumers. It is based on the concept that consumers do not only buy a product but also the bundle of associations it comes with, such as; wealth, power, sophistication, and others.
Brand image can be toughened by the use of brand communications such as; packaging, customer service, promotion, advertising, word-of-mouth and many others. A brand image can either lead a brand upwards or downwards. Alexander proposed that types of brand associations can be hard and soft and brand images consist of three elements: image of provider, image of product and image of user.
Brand images are mostly induced by questioning consumers on the first words or images that comes into mind when a particular brand of product is mentioned. In the case where the responses to the questions are similar and quick, and also describe the product or service in some way, the image of the brand can be seen as strong but when the opposite happens, then the brand is weak. Brand

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