
Gazillion Wars

Decent Essays

There are over seven billion people on this earth, and I can say for everyone that it’s a big number. And the more people, the less time it takes for the world to come to an end. Which is why I think unfortunately think that calamites like war, mosquitoes and cancer are in a way beneficial. Sucks, but it’s the truth. Anyways, since the dawn of humans there have been a gazillion wars. I’m not just talking about the major ones, but also the minuscule ones, because the loss of one life is enough to be recognized. Humans have undoubtedly decided that the best way to solve an argument is by killing one another. Is that smart, considering that we’re the same species that invented flying tons of metal? I don’t think so. I believe that discrepancies …show more content…

We have the Muslims, Christians and Jews. These are all monotheistic religions, which means they believe in one God, the same God. Yes, there might be different names, different rituals and routines, but at the end of the day it’s all the same. It is the same God, you’re worshiping, a God that tells us to be good and avoid sinning. So why are we fighting over it? Why kill, torture, and bring terror amongst people that worship the same God. It isn’t our job to fight for God, or kill for him. It is our job to love one another, care for another and be kind. I think that if everyone looked at religion this way, we wouldn’t have all these problems. In the book All Quiet on the Western Front, it gives the reader an example of the reality of war. The death of the main character took a toll on me, especially when you think that there are millions of others like him. As he states on chapter 12 “I am very quiet. Let the months and years come, they can bring me nothing more. I am so alone, and so without hope that I can confront them without fear. The life that has born me through these years is still in my hands and eyes. Whether I have subdued it, I know not. But so long as it is there it will seek its own way out, heedless of the will that is within me. “There are many others like him that have been robbed of their life and innocence. And it’s darn shame that we as human beings allow this. If we could simply realize that every life matters, and that everyone has feelings, then we could be united. Maybe, then we could achieve peace. As for now, I don’t think that will happen because we still believe that peace can be brought violence. That is impossible, but people always love a

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