
Genetically Modified Organisms Should Be Labeled Essay

Decent Essays

“Our primary health care should begin on the farm and in our hearts, and not in some laboratory of the biotech and pharmaceutical companies” (Gary Hopkins). The sun was hot and they sky was clear when I walked into the grocery store that smoldering summer day. I walked in expecting to pick up things for a barbecue; burgers, hotdogs, salad, buns, corn on the cob, condiments and of course chips and snacks. Strolling down the fresh produce aisle I began to wonder, what if all of my food isn’t fresh, clean, no preservatives or pesticides or even GMO’s for that matter? Why shouldn’t every food be labeled with exactly what went into making it? Even if that means it needs to be traced all the way back down to the DNA. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) should be labeled because the health risks are still unknown, consumers want to know what they are eating and there is a growing rate of people developing allergies to them. Genetically modified organisms should be labeled because all of the health risks are still unknown. According to the article, GMO Foods Should be Labeled by Ajita White, they state, “Specific engineered …show more content…

Genetically modified organisms should be labeled because there is a growing rate of people developing allergies to them. “Michelle Perro, MD, who is regularly named one of America’s top pediatricians, says she believes that the novel proteins found in GMOs “may be responsible in part for the profound increase in allergies and immune dysfunction that I am witnessing”” (Jeffery Smith). GMO’s are in everything from corn, to dairy and even cotton. There is no way to cure allergies all together, but labeling food items that were genetically modified somewhere in the process would help people be more aware of what they are consuming so that they are able to stay away from foods that contain GMO’s. Therefore, bringing down the rate of allergic reactions that are caused by genetically modified

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