
The Controversial Issue Of Global Warming

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Presently, while Scientists are warning us about the deleterious effects of Global Warming, “Nonscientists” also have separate views on the same issue. This indicates that Global Warming is a controversial issue that needs to be addressed. First, we need to understand the concept of “Global Warming.” Global Warming is described as the general increase in atmospheric temperatures worldwide, which results to climate changes. According to an article titled “Global Warming,” the earth’s atmosphere contains various gases that act as a blanket to trap heat from the sun and prevent it from escaping back into space. This means that these gases prevent the earth from being cold. This continued process is known as the greenhouse effect, and the gasses that are responsible for maintaining this heat are carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. They continued, “Over time, the amount of greenhouse gases trapped in the earth’s atmosphere has increased significantly, causing worldwide temperatures to rise.” Human activities like industrialization and agriculture also play a significant role in increasing these gases. For example, the use of certain fertilizers, produce nitrous oxide and methane emissions come from the production of fossil fuels from landfills, and from livestock, they emphasized. All these evidence illustrates that we are significantly responsible for recent increases in temperatures. For this reason, it is obvious that it is a pressing human issue. This recent dramatic

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