
Gmo Labelling And A Ban On Certain Gmo Crops

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Coss 3 for GMO labelling and possibly a ban on certain GMO crops, because our lives, our species, and our generation, are not the only things being affected by this infestation of ignorance. Life is sacred. As individuals, we will go through great lengths to preserve life in any way possible. Healthcare workers probably know this best because they have dedicated their own lives to saving others. We wouldn’t be able to save as many lives if science wasn’t equally sacred. Scientific studies need to be conducted with the highest levels of integrity to ensure that we are progressing into the future and making improvements for humanity. Without independent testing and publications in peer-reviewed journals, there is no way to confirm if a …show more content…

Dr. Gilles-Eric Seralini and his team of researchers conducted a 2-year study to see if rats (the same kind used in Monsanto’s research) would show any ill effect from consuming GMOs over a long duration. These rats were split into three groups; the first group ate GMO feed, the second group ate non-GMO feed, the third group ate non-GMO feed that had been sprayed with pesticides. In this study, Dr. Seralini noticed that the group with the GMO diet was the only group that was affected. This diet led to tumors in the breasts of female rats, as well as tumors in the breasts of a smaller amount of male rats. The male rats experienced kidney failure and a change in the color of their testicles, from pink to dark purple (Seralini). Male and females had difficulty reproducing healthy offspring, some of which had suffered from mental illness similar to Autism. Many of the rats showed a decrease in organ health and density, leading to a shorter life expectancy. In rare cases, the rats would even grow hair within their mouths. Dr. Seralini has suggested that GMOs may be increasing the rate of

Coss 4
Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Leaky Gut Syndrome found in young children (Seeds). Another example of research that contradicted the claims of Monsanto came from the Rowett Institute. Dr. Arpad Pusztai conducted a similar study where he fed GMO potatoes and non-GMO potatoes to rats and found that they developed immune system defects and stunted growth. Dr. Pusztai’s study

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