
Gmo Labelling Should Be Mandatory

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Genetically Modified Organisms are organisms in which the genetic material or DNA has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally. This is done in order to get traits such as longer shelf life and pesticide resistance. They were developed because the perceived advantage is meant to translate into a product with a lower price, greater benefit, such as the durability and the nutritional value, or both. GMOs have not been proven to be safe as of yet. The long-term consequences of them on our health and environment have not been adequately investigated. There is a contentious debate today whether or not GMO labelling should be mandatory. There are arguments both for and against mandatory labelling across the world. Consumers have the right to know what is in their food. They should also be able to identify foods they wish to steer clear of. Some may also want to steer clear of GM foods for ethical or religious reasons. Consumers may be against mandatory labelling because those who wish to buy foods without GMOs already have the option to purchase them; organic of GMO-free. There is also debate stating if there were a nutritional difference or allergic characteristic in the GM foods, it would have to be labelled no matter what. GMO food began in the early 1990s. In 1994 the FDA approved GMO tomatoes and they began to sell them in grocery stores, these delayed ripening and allowing the tomato to have longer shelving life. Although the FDA approved GMOs to be safe to

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