
Graffiti Research Papers

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Graffiti has existed for several decades and it's still going strong. By the definition of any type of writing on the wall, it actually goes back to ancient Rome. The style of urban graffiti, that most identify as graffiti, came from New York City in the late 1960s. It was born by the tagging of subway trains. Tagging means, that they would simply leave their signature in places. For tagging on the insides of trains, permanent markers worked, but using spray cans of paint quickly became popular as well, especially for tagging on the outside of trains.
Soon, graffiti became more than just simple tagging, because the graffiti artists, would try to exceed each other in terms of style. At first, writers would try to make their tags more stylish than anyone else's. Later on, they would add more colours, special effects, and make their name bigger. Graffiti really evolved into a complex art form with its own techniques and vocabulary. From simple tags on the insides of trains to masterpieces that spanned multiple subway cars, the art and science of graffiti grew quickly and soon …show more content…

The most known street artists Banksy and Shepard Fairey. Banksy, has had his work shown in galleries such as Sotheby's in London. Despite his anonymity, the British artist has gained tremendous popularity. (Lombardo, 2015)
Like all other artistic forms, graffiti has experienced movements or changes in style. The messages have also evolved. Graffiti has always been somewhat political, but it has come a long way from simply tagging one's name to parodying world leaders to make a statement. (Sanchez, 2007)
This is further proof that graffiti is a form of art and not just a result of random acts of vandalism. The graffiti community moves in different directions and the resultant artwork moves with

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