
Homosexuality In America

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According to Doug Meyer “Many LGBT people described homosexuality as linked with whiteness. This association is a broad, large scale cultural phenomenon in the United States with deep historical roots. While minority communities including white LGBT communities and Black heterosexual ones, may reinforce this association, the linking of homosexuality with whiteness is part of dominant U.S society.” (Meyer, 2015)
Throughout US history, black men have been defamed as very sexual. This cultural association is one of different reasons that triggers violence, hate crime, sexual assault and robbery against LGBT of color. They have higher poverty rates than their black straight counterparts, and white gay couples. They trade sex for money. They …show more content…

They live in a word that gives them permission.” This culture of violence is based on different ideologies that support gender-motivated violence. The male is the dominant sex. The female is the weaker sex. Women have less power, less respect and less economic incentive than men. The same principle that justify violence against women extends itself to LGBT women and transgender men. Violence is justifying by myths such as rape can be a “cure” that discourage homosexuality. “She changed her mind afterward”. “If she’s going to be raped, she may as well lie back and enjoy it.” (Perry 2009) In 2010, CDS published a report that shows 46 percent of bisexual women have been raped, compared to 17 percent of heterosexual women and 13 percent of lesbians. The persistence of violence against gay community is considered as a way to achieve hegemonic …show more content…

In military institution, “Don’t ask, don’t tell” is the official United States policy introduced by Clinton’s Administration. It allows open service by gay, bisexuals and lesbians. Since the application of this policy, research shows that LGBT members have better conditions of service and improvement in their daily life. In 2010, a study sponsored by the Department of Defense showed 8% LGBT military were victims of sexual assault based on their sexual orientation. The low rates of reporting of violence is due for fear of being outed and subject of harassment. “Don’t ask, don’t tell force military LGBT to hide their sexual orientation. Over the past year, Congress revoked this policy. It allows members of army to express openly their sexual identity. Today the Department of Defense recognize same-sex marriage. Different groups such as SPART*A work not only to facilitate integration of LGBT person in different service of US army but also to exempt religious beliefs in the army. These organizations fight for integration of transgender persons in the army. They also work to get heath care coverage and employment for veterans

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