
Illegal Immigration Thesis

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Illegal immigration is caused by many factors such as poverty and lack of job opportunities in other countries. Immigrants who come to the United States come to give their families a better life. Many come to get away from the violence their home countries suffer. However, the influx of illegal immigrants have caused problems in the United States but have also provided aids. The U.S. government is to blame for this problem of illegal immigration. If the government had a program that allowed people from other countries to come to the U.S. and work, and give them an identification number this issue wouldn’t be such a big problem now. The government has allowed it to grow into a problem causing many to feel that the illegal immigrants should not …show more content…

This means they are contributing to the upkeep of public facilities, such as roads, police and fire departments, and many even pay property taxes that contribute toward the schooling of their children. The non-partisan National Research Council found that they contribute on average $80,000 more to the federal treasury than they consume. A reason why some do not pay taxes is they are fearful of deportation and won't risk the government attention that will come from filing a return even if they might qualify for a refund. The government wants illegal immigrants to pay taxes but they have refused for years to come up with a plan to legalize them so they can have the benefits they are paying for when they pay their income taxes. Instead they have wasted time arguing about unimportant and unnecessary …show more content…

According to an ABC News/Washington Post poll, a third of all Americans state that the biggest worry about illegal immigrants is that they “used more public services than they pay for in taxes.” Anti-immigrant proponents, such a Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Dobbs and the “patriot” Mark Levin have done an excellent job confusing the public; making them believe that illegal immigration has a negative economic impact. When in fact the truth is the exact opposite, and all of them know it; yet they continue to obfuscate the truth and misdirect the public. Consider this: a surprising two-thirds of illegal immigrants pay Social Security, Medicare, and personal income taxes. According to the Congressional Budget Office and the Social Security Administration, undocumented immigrants pay many different types of taxes, including sales, property, social security, and individual income taxes. Even the most ignorant anti-immigrant radio or TV personality knows that the 1996 welfare reform bill disqualified illegal immigrants from nearly all means-tested government programs including housing, Medicaid and Medicare-funded hospitalization assistance, and even food stamps. The only services that illegal immigrants can still get are K-12 education and emergency medical

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